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DIY Investment Tools

Monthly mutual fund & ETF investing guidance to help you navigate changing markets

Take the guesswork out of investing

Find out why thousands of fund & ETF investors trust FundX Newsletter to help them take charge of their investments.

Top-rated fund strategies

Top-rated fund strategies

Strategies designed to keep you in the best areas of the market and (just as importantly) out of the worst ones. 

40+ year track record

40+ year track record

FundX Newsletter "has beaten the stock market over the past four decades," Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch, July 2018

Monthly investing guidance

Monthly investing guidance

Know what to pay attention to and what funds to buy and sell. No magic. Just facts.

Easy-to-use online tools 

Easy-to-use online tools

Keep track of the funds & ETFs you own now and the ones you might want to own in the future.

Investing is something most people can do, even those who never imagined they could.

Janet Brown, FundX 


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You don't have to own high-risk investments to get ahead. 

FundX's model portfolio of core diversified stock funds outperformed the S&P 500 Index over this 40+ year period.

Chart shows model performance of FundX Newsletter’s diversified stock fund (Class 3) portfolio since 1980. Results are calculated monthly by an independent data service, Hulbert Ratings, LLC.  


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